Current Affairs
Letters, public pronouncements, and essays about world affairs and other public policy matters that interest me: matters that I think have some importance for the healthy development of our society and our relations with the rest of the world
Foreign affairs War and peace, diplomacy and the struggle to resolve conflict
Civil Rights Items from the news concerning democracy and civil rights
Domestic politics Correspondence with members of parliament and others about issues affecting our lives in this country
Economics Facts, figures, and arguments about the state of our economy and the trouble I think we are in
Education Some ideas expressed by knowledgeable people about education in the United kingdom
Ethics Issues of the day, including especially abortion and euthanasia
Religion Articles from the media and elsewhere about religious matters
Marriage Special concern over the issue, current in 2012 and 2013, over the proposal to legislate for the redefinition of marriage
Prison Ideas about the role and effectiveness of prisons, with a special focus on rehabilitation of offenders
Media Commentary on newspapers and broadcasting
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